Think like a customer! You are looking to buy a bookcase, for example, and luckily the internet is full of virtual shelves! After a thorough search in different e-shops you have found several pieces that interest you, you have compared sizes, materials and prices, and now you are between 2 libraries. Which one will you choose? The one with the dozens of reviews from previous buyers and photos from all over, or the one with a vague comment like “nice library”? You are most likely to choose the first one, even if the second one is better in terms of quality, durability, warranty and aesthetics. The reason is that people need the testimony. They seek and trust the opinion of other people who have been in their shoes before spending their hard-earned money.
The hard truth is that no matter how good a product or how useful a service you offer, consumers who don’t know your company – who may not even have heard of it – will initially be wary until you manage to earn their trust. This can be done in many ways: with targeted marketing strategies, with a well-thought-out corporate identity, with specially designed content for social media, etc. but the most effective way now to attract new customers is positive reviews from other happy customers. Essentially, the testimonial video works like a word-of-mouth review on a large scale. A shining example and pioneer company in the field of reviews is the online shopping platform etsy.
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The truth about video testimonials in numbers
1. Frequent reviews on an e-shop can increase revenue by up to 62% for each customer and each of their visits.
2. Video increases the chance of your page appearing high in organic results by 157%.
3. About 60% of corporate executives and 72% of consumers would rather watch a video than read text about a new product or service.
4. 85% of consumers want more audiovisual content from brands.
5. Viewers retain 95% of your message when delivered via video and only 10% when read in text.
See the Video:
Videos are conquering the world and are the safest solution for any company that wants to make a successful entry or a larger opening in the market.